120: Rich Girl Habits I Wish I Knew Sooner w/ Money With Katie


Katie Gatti Tassi, known as Money with Katie, started an online empire to help women master their finances and by default, their lives. Her platform is the intersection of culture and personal finance education. In today's episode, Katie shares every micro and macro detail of her personal finance routine, from the apps she uses to wealth-building systems. She also shares genius psychology tips to make you better with money like having a "dopamine" menu to reduce comfort spending and steps to take to avoid lifestyle creep and ensure that your money is working to make your life better, fuller, and richer. And of course, it wouldn't be an episode of The Everygirl Podcast (or a conversation with Money with Katie) if we didn't dive into what finance means for women in 2024.


00:58 — Ask The Everygirl: Do you have any tips for getting a job at The Everygirl?

14:40 — Josie asks, “Where did your confidence with money originally come from?”

15:40 — Josie asks, “What was your first money memory?”

17:24 — Josie asks, “What do you think is the main thing that's holding women back from feeling in control of their finances?”

24:04 — Josie asks, “What would you tell women who want to be more financially empowered?”

36:32 — Josie asks, “What are your thoughts on comfort spending?”

45:32 — Josie asks, “Do you have any tips for avoiding lifestyle creep?”

54:52 — Josie asks, “What is your money routine?”

1:06:21 — Rapid-fire questions

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