Relationships Alaina Kaczmarski Relationships Alaina Kaczmarski

125: Is Marriage Worth It? How Commitment Looks Different in 2024 with Allison Raskin

Allison Raskin is a bestselling writer, podcaster, and mental health advocate, whose latest book, "I Do (I Think): Conversations About Modern Marriage" investigates what LTRs look like in 2024. Allison and Josie discuss why dating feels so awkward and how to navigate dating when you're struggling with anxiety or OCD. They also chat about relationship doubts, why the idea of "The One" is dangerous, and how to truly feel more confident committing to a long-term relationship. Allison also shares tips to redefine or reevaluate your relationship to have a love life that works better for you. Consider this episode a deep dive into our cultural assumptions about commitment, compatibility, divorce, and the future of marriage, ultimately aiming to help you redefine what a long-term relationship, marriage, and commitment look like for you.

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