fashion Alaina Kaczmarski fashion Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 102: Nutrition Tips, Hormones, and Spring-Cleaning Your Routine, with Dietician Valerie Agyeman

If you want to level up your health, optimize your nutrition, and spring-clean your wellness routine, this episode is for you. Valerie Agyeman is a registered dietician, women's health advocate, and founder of Flourish Heights, a resource and community aimed to help women take control of their health and feel their very best. In today's conversation, Valerie and Josie discuss freeing yourself from body image issues through nutrition and why women struggle to understand their bodies. Valerie shares lots of good tips to optimize your nutrition (including her favorite lazy girl meals) and make your morning and nighttime routine more joyful. Consider your wellness routine spring-cleaned.

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Beauty Alaina Kaczmarski Beauty Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 97: Eat Your Way to The Best Skin of Your Life with The Acne Nutritionist, Maria Marlowe

Maria Marlowe is a celebrity nutritionist specializing in acne who is regularly featured in media outlets such as Vogue and Good Morning America. After dealing with painful acne for many years (and trying countless prescriptions), she healed her skin through food and became a nutritionist to help others heal their bodies, transform their skin, and change their lives. In this episode, we talk about the gut-skin connection, how acne is how your body communicates with you, and how to heal skin issues (from acne to rosacea to fine lines to dull complexion) once and for all. Maria also gives "prescriptions" (AKA food or lifestyle changes) to get rid of a breakout fast, minimize blackheads, stop hormonal acne, and look more sun-kissed and glowy (without the sun).

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