Politics Alaina Kaczmarski Politics Alaina Kaczmarski

133: Election Exhaustion is Real: @emilyinyourphone Shares How to Feel Less Hopeless and More Empowered

Emily Amick (@emilyinyourphone) is a political analyst and author of Democracy in Retrograde. This episode is a meaty one, and Emily makes politics easy to understand and! Josie and Emily chat about the current vibe in the upcoming election, why women have been told not to talk about politics, advice to navigate friends and family members with different views, and how to feel more hopeful about and less exhausted with politics. They also chat about why politics relate to the loneliness epidemic, and the 4 different types of civic personalities. Josie asks for Emily's honest opinion on a range of topics from where we can get actual factual news and if Taylor Swift's endorsement made an impact. The intention of this episode is to shed light on confusing or overwhelming topics, and make you feel more hopeful and inspired about politics.

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