Episode 59: How to Trust Your Intuition and Tap Into Feminine Energy with Healer, Eboni Banks


Eboni Banks is an intuitive healer and reiki master based in New York City who is on a mission to help everyone tap into their intuition. Whether you're into spirituality or certain rituals practices feel too "woo-woo" to you, you'll leave this episode with amazing takeaways that will help you can start tapping into your own intuition. Eboni and Josie discuss the non-physical self and how to access it, what the chakras actually are and why you should look to the chakras to cure physical symptoms, and why feminine energy often gets misunderstood but is essential for us all to prioritize. They also chat clairtangency, how to live an authentic life, and why orgasming is a spiritual release instead of just physical. This conversation will inspire you to trust yourself, open your mind, and live life more authentically.


Spiritual girlies, this is your moment. This week on The Everygirl Podcast, Josie interviews intuitive healer Eboni Banks all about clairtangency and her ability to read people’s lives through touch. The interview with Eboni begins by talking through what intuition is as she experiences it, how she connected with her intuition during her childhood, and how she got started as a clairtangent healer. Then, the conversation turns towards the inherent intuition that is within all of us. Eboni explains why her intuition as a healer is different from the intuition of the average person, but then explains tangible practices for connecting with your own intuition. She discusses caring for your nonphysical self, especially in a world that emphasizes the value of our physical selves. Josie discusses her own journey towards connecting to her nonphysical self in the past few years, and how that actually ended up changing her relationship to her body and stress levels. Eboni explains how she asks her mind, body, and spiritual self to come together in her own intuitive practice, plus the ways in which yoga allows her to connect to her nonphysical self. She also dives into the intuitive benefits of orgasm, plus tips for allowing yourself to be intuitive in your sexual experiences and even during sex. Then, Josie asks Eboni to explain what clairtangency is, including how it is different from clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, and more. The two have a conversation about how we are trained to suppress our inner knowing, and how we can believe in and trust ourselves through our senses. Eboni also runs through each of the chakras, explaining what they are, their origins, and what each chakra correlates to in our spirituality and intuition. Josie then turns the conversation towards the hot topic of feminine versus masculine energies, and she and Eboni dispel common misconceptions about feminine energy that come through in pop culture. Eboni explains the top twelve feminine energy characteristics, and how it is beneficial for both men and women to lean into these energies. Finally, Josie and Eboni talk through Josie’s clairtangent reading with Eboni, what the experience revealed for her, and what people can expect from their first clairtangent reading.

Must-Listen Moments:

[13:02] How to connect to your intuition from a beginner level, and connecting with your nonphysical self
[23:51] Tips for experiencing your nonphysical self through orgasm and your sexual experiences
[31:21] What is clairtangency, and how is it different from clairvoyance? What are common misconceptions about clairtangency?
[43:22] How to tap into your feminine energy in a patriarchal society, plus how feminine and masculine energies are commonly misinterpreted in our society
[50:18] All about Josie’s experience receiving a clairtangent reading with Eboni

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