Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

124: Everyone Gets Manifestation Wrong: 4 Simple Ways to Live Your Best Life

On today's solo episode, Josie is sharing tangible strategies to live your best life, be more successful, and feel more fulfilled. This is not the woo-woo manifestation you may have seen on TikTok; Josie is breaking down how to achieve your goals–get healthier, find a happy relationship, improve your social life, become more successful–using psychology, research, and action steps. Josie's tips include how to hack the reticular activation system of the brain to change your reality, why self-esteem is your ceiling, what we can learn about manifestation from the Parable of the Fisherman, and so much more. Finally, Josie also shares her exact manifestation routine, from her biannual life edit sessions to the app she uses for daily "highest-self" meditations.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

122: "I’m So Frustrated With My Health": The Science-Backed Method to Try If You've Tried Everything

After severe back injuries left her unable to walk, Brandy Gillmore was told by doctor after doctor she would never get better. She started to learn about the mind-body connection and healed her own body through healing emotions and self-limiting beliefs. And ever since, she has been on a mission to help others do the same. Brandy is a doctor of holistic health science, professor of holistic medicine, and author of Master Your Mind to Heal Your Body: You Can Be Your Own Cure. In today's episode, Josie and Brandy discuss how to heal your body, from weight loss to healed symptoms to improving the immune system. Brandy explains why the mind-body connection is the secret to having the body of your dreams, and how to use the fascinating research to heal yourself.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

119: Ozempic: Everything You Need to Know, and How to Lose Weight If You've Tried "Everything," with Dr. Adrienne Youdim

One of the top weight loss experts in the country, Dr. Adrienne Youdim is setting the record straight on Ozempic, GLP-1s, and how to actually lose weight if you feel like you've tried "everything." Dr. Youdim served as medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Weight Loss Center before opening her own weight loss practice in Beverly Hills, and is the author of the book Hungry for More: Stories and Science to Inspire Weight Loss From the Inside Out. On her second appearance on The Everygirl Podcast, Dr. Youdim is sharing her thoughts on the resurgence of diet culture, and everything you need to know about Ozempic and other popular weight-loss drugs: How they work, who they're actually for, the pros and cons, busting common myths, and the right protocol if you're taking them. She also shares her thoughts on "Ozempic dupes," and tips to lose weight healthily if a prescription is not right for you.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

118: The 10 Greatest Life Hacks of All Time

On today's solo episode, Josie is sharing 10 of the most life-changing, transformative life hacks that will help you feel more confident, get what you want, be more productive, and ultimately be happier in your life. She shares tips that will eliminate 90% of stress, the key to being likable, and what she calls "the most powerful life hack, yet the most overlooked.

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Fitness Alaina Kaczmarski Fitness Alaina Kaczmarski

117: Turn Fitness Into a Lifestyle and Jennifer Aniston's Workout Routine, With Pvolve Founder Rachel Katzman

Rachel Katzman is the co-founder and CEO of Pvolve, a functional movement platform, studio, and brand beloved by celebrities, influencers, and wellness experts alike. In today's conversation, Rachel opens up about her journey with Lyme disease and scoliosis, and how her health struggles transformed the way she viewed fitness. She also shares how she completely healed her body and the wellness rituals she swears by from her morning non-negotiable to what she eats before and after a workout. Rachel also dives into the story behind Jennifer Aniston reaching out to her team to get involved with Pvolve, and what she learned from Jennifer about wellness.

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Career Alaina Kaczmarski Career Alaina Kaczmarski

107: Erin Andrews on Infertility and Success in a Male-Dominated Industry

There's so much more to Erin Andrews that you don't know. Erin Andrews is a television personality and sportscaster who changed the landscape for women in sports, but she has learned so many lessons along the way that we can learn from. Erin and Josie talk about the challenges (and behind-the-scenes) of being a woman in a male-dominated industry, how to feel more confident (or fake it 'til you make it), and advice she would give her younger self. Erin also opens up about her cervical cancer diagnosis, battle with infertility, and her powerful journey to motherhood.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

106: The Surprising Connection Between The Gut and Your Mood, With Dr. Uma Naidoo

Dr. Uma Naidoo is a board-certified psychiatrist, nutrition specialist, and author of This is Your Brain on Food, who discovered a wide gap in healthcare when she realized that no one is talking about how food can cause common symptoms such as brain fog and anxiety–and food can also be used to reduce stress, boost mood, and improve focus. In today's episode, Dr. Uma is breaking down key principles, takeaways, and tips from her best-selling books including the gut-brain connection that explains why you may be so stressed out. She explains why food affects mood, and offers easy "prescriptions" (AKA recipes, grocery lists, and lifestyle changes) if you need to get out of a funk, need to focus for a major meeting or exam, to calm anxiety and stress, or if you have a special event like a wedding or trip you want to feel present and energized for. Money may not buy happiness, but food can.

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fashion Alaina Kaczmarski fashion Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 102: Nutrition Tips, Hormones, and Spring-Cleaning Your Routine, with Dietician Valerie Agyeman

If you want to level up your health, optimize your nutrition, and spring-clean your wellness routine, this episode is for you. Valerie Agyeman is a registered dietician, women's health advocate, and founder of Flourish Heights, a resource and community aimed to help women take control of their health and feel their very best. In today's conversation, Valerie and Josie discuss freeing yourself from body image issues through nutrition and why women struggle to understand their bodies. Valerie shares lots of good tips to optimize your nutrition (including her favorite lazy girl meals) and make your morning and nighttime routine more joyful. Consider your wellness routine spring-cleaned.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 98: Thriving Instead of Surviving with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson

Do you often feel like you're just going through the motions rather than thriving? Do you often say to yourself "I'll be happy once I...[insert: lose weight, feel less stressed, get in a relationship, stop grieving...]?" This episode is for you. Brandi Sellerz-Jackson is the inspiring author of On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors, and has been featured in media outlets such as Oprah Daily and The Today Show. Josie and Brandi discuss how to thrive (and stop surviving), thriving tools to add to your daily routine, and how to start living for joy today instead of waiting for your circumstances to change. They also discuss how to thrive through grief or stress, what we get wrong about self-care, and why we should stop calling people "resilient." Consider this episode a complete guide to how to thrive in your life.

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Beauty Alaina Kaczmarski Beauty Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 97: Eat Your Way to The Best Skin of Your Life with The Acne Nutritionist, Maria Marlowe

Maria Marlowe is a celebrity nutritionist specializing in acne who is regularly featured in media outlets such as Vogue and Good Morning America. After dealing with painful acne for many years (and trying countless prescriptions), she healed her skin through food and became a nutritionist to help others heal their bodies, transform their skin, and change their lives. In this episode, we talk about the gut-skin connection, how acne is how your body communicates with you, and how to heal skin issues (from acne to rosacea to fine lines to dull complexion) once and for all. Maria also gives "prescriptions" (AKA food or lifestyle changes) to get rid of a breakout fast, minimize blackheads, stop hormonal acne, and look more sun-kissed and glowy (without the sun).

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 93: Gut Health, Hormonal Acne, and Lymphatic Drainage with Wellness It-Girl, Steph Robinson

Steph Robinson is a holistic nutritionist who became the newest wellness it-girl thanks to her inspirational social media posts, delicious recipes, and big-sister advice. For years, Steph dealt with horrible hormonal acne and gut issues so bad she couldn't get out of bed. After working with a functional doctor to heal from the inside out and change her life, she wanted to help other women heal too. In today's episode, we get into the details of how Steph healed her gut, skin, and hormones, and all of her wellness tips for living your best life (even while you're traveling). Steph also shares the foods and supplements she eats in a day, and the game-changing lessons about nutrition she has learned living in Europe (hint: it's very different from her previous life in LA).

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 84: How to Transform Your Health to Unlock Limitless Potential, With Biohacking Bestie Aggie Lal

To our wellness girlies who want to completely eradicate symptoms, majorly improve energy or gut health, and look and feel better than ever, this episode is a must-listen. Aggie Lal is known to her 1 million+ followers as "Your Biohacking Bestie" for good reason: Her health advice has gone viral for helping women get fit effortlessly, feel more beautiful, and unleash their superpowers. In today's conversation, Josie and Aggie chat about Aggie's health journey and how she did a heavy metal detox that changed her life. Aggie shares all of her best biohacking tips from improving sleep to healing the gut to being more magnetic (and the change she says will get you "any man or any job on the planet"), as well as the daily routines she swears by. Get your notepads ready because you're going to want to remember these tips!

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 83: Cleanse Your Body and Your Life with Lisa Odenweller, Founder of Kroma Wellness

Lisa Odenweller is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Kroma Wellness, a superfood and detox brand beloved by experts and celebs such as Dr. Will Cole, Melissa Wood-Tepperberg, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Amy Schumer. Lisa's wellness journey started when she used food to heal her hormones and get her daughter off of ADD medication. After realizing what it could do, she knew she needed to share the power of nutrition with the world. In this episode, Josie and Lisa chat about how to use food to optimize mental and physical health, the role the nervous system plays in physical symptoms, and Lisa's favorite superfoods to incorporate into your diet. Lisa also shares how to "cleanse" (the healthy way), and how to detox your body in a way that's supportive and helpful instead of restrictive and damaging. Spoiler: Lisa's tips will transform the way you care for your body and think of a "cleanse."

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 82: Roxie Nafousi part Two: The #1 Manifestation Secret That You Haven't Heard Before

To motivate you to manifest your dream life and help you kick off the new year in a powerful state of highest-self energy, Roxie Nafousi is back–and this episode goes even deeper than part 1. Roxie is a best-selling author and manifestation expert, dubbed "the manifesting queen" by Forbes. In today's conversation, Roxie shares the life-changing lessons she's learned about manifestation in the past year, and why she has changed the way she teaches people to achieve their dream life. Josie and Roxie discuss why celebrating others is the secret to tapping into abundant energy, how to heal your past for a better future, and why manifestation is a present practice, rather than a future one. Roxie also shares what it actually means to tap into "highest-self energy." Grab supplies for vision boards and get ready to kick off the best year of your life.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 76: Everything You Need to Know to Heal Your Body (Even During the Holidays) With Hormone Specialist, Lauren Papanos

Lauren Papanos, MS, RD, CSSD is a registered dietician nutritionist, hormone specialist, and nutrition researcher. She started as a collegiate sports dietician where she worked with countless women dealing with hormonal imbalances and reproductive-related issues. Her passion for helping women heal their bodies grew and she founded Functional Fueling to help women identify the root causes of underlying hormonal imbalances and actually heal. In this episode, Lauren shares the three main reasons most women have reproductive issues from PCOS to cramps, why most of us are malnourished, how to heal hormones (hint: it's not cycle syncing as you've heard of), and protocols to follow based on symptoms you experience. Lauren also dives into the metabolism and thyroid, offers amazing health hacks no one ever talks about, and shares tips for healing your body during the holidays.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 74: How to Live a Longer, Healthier Life with Parsley Health's Dr. Robin Berzin

Dr. Robin Berzin is the CEO and founder of America’s leading holistic medical practice, Parsley Health, which she created after realizing a desperate gap in healthcare that prioritizes prevention, treating chronic symptoms, and identifying the root cause. In this episode, Dr. Robin gives tips and strategies to not just heal symptoms and chronic issues, but to feel as energized, vibrant, and well as possible. Dr. Robin and Josie discuss the role of epigenetics versus genetics, how health is a currency, and why the majority of women are dealing with symptoms or chronic issues. Dr. Robin also shares her best health tips, a workout "prescription," and how people in the Blue Zones are living until they're 100. From tips to make your alcohol healthier to how to reduce biological aging, this episode is packed with important information that every woman needs to hear to live her healthiest life.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 71: This Underutilized Superfood Will Biohack Your Brain Health, Immune System, Hormones, & Microbiome, with Carly Stein Kremer

Carly Stein Kremer is the founder of Beekeeper’s Naturals, the fastest-growing immune supplement brand. After years of living with an autoimmune condition and constantly feeling sick, Carly discovered propolis while living abroad and it transformed her body in everything from treating common colds to healing her autoimmune. In 2017, she traded in her corporate career at Goldman Sachs to dedicate her life to beekeeping, selling products at the farmer's market. Since then, Carly has been recognized as a game-changing entrepreneur in Forbes 30 Under 30 list, and her little farmer's market stand has grown to be sold in Whole Foods, CVS, Target, and ranked #1 in the Cold and Flu category on Amazon. In today's episode, Carly breaks down the different bee products (from royal jelly to propolis to bee pollen), what they are, their (insane!) benefits, and how they're transforming the wellness game. She also shares what gave her the confidence to leave her stable job at Goldman Sachs, and what she took from her experience to apply to her own company. This episode is so jam-packed with mind-blowing tidbits in both wellness and career, it will leave you buzzing (pun intended!).

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 67: Womb Healing and The (Mind-Blowing) Science of Meditation with Kelly Smith

Kelly Smith is a globally celebrated yoga and meditation teacher, founder of the platform Yoga For You, and host of the chart-topping podcast Mindful In Minutes, where she shares short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Think of her as your cool big sister who also happens to be a top-rated yoga instructor and meditation expert. On today's episode, Kelly shares why we shouldn't take wellness so seriously and a crucial part of manifestation that most people don't know. Josie and Kelly also discuss why women should connect to their womb space (or sacral chakra), and how it can help heal your relationship to your body, periods, fertility, or creativity. Lastly, Kelly shares the (mind-blowing!) science behind meditation and tips for absolutely anyone to get into a practice (hint: you don't need more than ten minutes a day).

Come back tomorrow for Kelly's guided womb-clearing meditation as a bonus episode!

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 60: The Secret to Better Digestion That No One is Talking About, with Founder of My Girl Wellness, Tayla Burke

Tayla Burke is a certified holistic health coach and founder of the Instagram-loved supplement brand and online community, My Girl Wellness. Tayla launched her own line of gut-health supplements after dealing with painful and uncomfortable digestive symptoms for much of her life, and went through a lot of work to heal her gut and feel her very best. On today's episode, Josie and Tayla are chatting all things gut health, from what you should look for in supplements (AKA which ones are and are not worth it), the rituals and routines Tayla swears healed her symptoms, and the key to optimizing gut health that people are not talking about enough. Tayla always shares her pregnancy wellness tips and how (and why!) she prioritizes time for her own wellbeing while being a busy mom and entrepreneur. Whether you're a new mom or want to heal your gut, this episode provides so many wellness tips and tricks to live a healthier life and feel better in your body.

Use code "EVERYGIRL15" for 15% My Girl Wellness products!

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 59: How to Trust Your Intuition and Tap Into Feminine Energy with Healer, Eboni Banks

Eboni Banks is an intuitive healer and reiki master based in New York City who is on a mission to help everyone tap into their intuition. Whether you're into spirituality or certain rituals practices feel too "woo-woo" to you, you'll leave this episode with amazing takeaways that will help you can start tapping into your own intuition. Eboni and Josie discuss the non-physical self and how to access it, what the chakras actually are and why you should look to the chakras to cure physical symptoms, and why feminine energy often gets misunderstood but is essential for us all to prioritize. They also chat clairtangency, how to live an authentic life, and why orgasming is a spiritual release instead of just physical. This conversation will inspire you to trust yourself, open your mind, and live life more authentically.

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