Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

108: Hormone Tips You've Never Heard Before With Lulu Ge

Lulu Ge is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist and founder of Elix. a holistic solution for women to use herbs to balance their hormones, heal period symptoms, and improve their health. In this episode, Josie and Lulu get into why so many women are suffering with period-related issues (in silence) and how we can look to the root cause to find solutions. Lulu also shares what Traditional Chinese Medicine actually is, and why it may be the answer you've been looking for to heal your body holistically. Lulu gives tips and tricks from herbs, to foods, to acupressure points for a wide range of common symptoms such as brain fog, period pain, hormonal acne, and weight loss. If you've tried everything to heal your symptoms and nothing has worked, this episode is for you.

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 93: Gut Health, Hormonal Acne, and Lymphatic Drainage with Wellness It-Girl, Steph Robinson

Steph Robinson is a holistic nutritionist who became the newest wellness it-girl thanks to her inspirational social media posts, delicious recipes, and big-sister advice. For years, Steph dealt with horrible hormonal acne and gut issues so bad she couldn't get out of bed. After working with a functional doctor to heal from the inside out and change her life, she wanted to help other women heal too. In today's episode, we get into the details of how Steph healed her gut, skin, and hormones, and all of her wellness tips for living your best life (even while you're traveling). Steph also shares the foods and supplements she eats in a day, and the game-changing lessons about nutrition she has learned living in Europe (hint: it's very different from her previous life in LA).

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Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski Wellness Alaina Kaczmarski

Episode 76: Everything You Need to Know to Heal Your Body (Even During the Holidays) With Hormone Specialist, Lauren Papanos

Lauren Papanos, MS, RD, CSSD is a registered dietician nutritionist, hormone specialist, and nutrition researcher. She started as a collegiate sports dietician where she worked with countless women dealing with hormonal imbalances and reproductive-related issues. Her passion for helping women heal their bodies grew and she founded Functional Fueling to help women identify the root causes of underlying hormonal imbalances and actually heal. In this episode, Lauren shares the three main reasons most women have reproductive issues from PCOS to cramps, why most of us are malnourished, how to heal hormones (hint: it's not cycle syncing as you've heard of), and protocols to follow based on symptoms you experience. Lauren also dives into the metabolism and thyroid, offers amazing health hacks no one ever talks about, and shares tips for healing your body during the holidays.

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